*** Update…Fundrazr tab *** :(

Posted in Musings on April 24, 2013 by Thomas

Due to some technical issues that I have just been made aware of, if you try to donate through this tab on the FB page, it will not direct, for the time being, please just email as to how to donate the funds, I am working hard to rectify this problem, thank you.



Prayer Flags….now available…**Pricing Update**(PLEASE READ)

Posted in Musings on April 18, 2013 by Thomas

Although I could spend this entire post writing about prayer flags, I believe that most of you have seen or read about these, so, I will just post some links at the end of this entry for those not familiar with this religious tradition from the Tibetan monks.

I will say though that they are an integral part of any journey of such a magnitude as we are undertaking. here is an excerpt from Wikipedia about the significance;

Traditionally, prayer flags are used to promote peace, compassion, strength, and wisdom. The flags do not carry prayers to gods, which is a common misconception; rather, the Tibetans believe the prayers and mantras will be blown by the wind to spread the good will and compassion into all pervading space. Therefore, prayer flags are thought to bring benefit to all.

By hanging flags in high places the Lung ta will carry the blessings depicted on the flags to all beings. As wind passes over the surface of the flags, which are sensitive to the slightest movement of the wind, the air is purified and sanctified by the mantras.

The prayers of a flag become a permanent part of the universe as the images fade from exposure to the elements. Just as life moves on and is replaced by new life, Tibetans renew their hopes for the world by continually mounting new flags alongside the old. This act symbolizes a welcoming of life’s changes and an acknowledgment that all beings are part of a greater ongoing cycle.

Because the symbols and mantras on prayer flags are sacred, they should be treated with respect.

So, as you can see, a prayer flag has great benefits, I know you have more than likely seen these erected in and around base camp on Everest, these are a powerful influence on any who partake upon such a dangerous journey.

The color significance of these flags are:

Blue: Sky and Space

White: Air and Wind

Red: Fire

Green: Water

Yellow: Earth

** Thanks to our supplier, we are able to REDUCE the cost of the prayer flags**

We are now offering prayer flags to our donors, once you have placed a minimum donation of $100.00 for individuals, or $150.00 for businesses, we will create two prayer flags, one(8×11) to ship to you for display, the other(14×17) will become a part of a prayer flag display that we will take to Everest. After the summit, all prayer flags will be signed by the team members and will be shipped to you after our return.

We will also offer a complete set of flags in all the colors(5) for $400.00 for individual(basically you get one flag at no charge) or $600.00 for businesses(same discount), all prices include shipping and a special bonus gift* upon placing donation, you should receive flag(s) within 5 to 7 business days.

*applies only to full set donation

***Update, to the first 10 businesses who purchase the full set, I will add an additional 20% discount***

To make donation and receive your flags, for now, just go to our FB page and email your order information, we will then contact you as to how to make payment and if you order the full set of flags, you may split your payments into two(2) payments one month apart, then you will receive tax-deductible receipt and confirmation of donation. If you want specific message on your flag let us know or if you want your corporate logo, again, let us know and we will be happy to arrange. Also, specify color and we will do our best to comply.

The flags we keep will also be used at all fundraising events, so this is a great way to show your support and if your business needs exposure, then this is a perfect avenue.

As always, please refer us to your friends and associates, we want everyone to feel like they are a part of this, together we can make this a reality, and change a child’s future or ensure that a child has enduring memories while spending precious time outside the hospital environment with their families, thank you for your support.



Posted in Uncategorized on April 18, 2013 by Thomas

If you are dropping by for the first time, welcome !, or if you are a follower, bear with me a second, got some interesting news in the next post.

My name is Thomas, I am the founder/charity climber for Mt.Everest Charity Climb, this is a dream and a vision that began over a year ago, today marks a milestone as my endeavor has begun its campaign. It will be a campaign full of surprises and excitement, and of course, I will never steer away from the MOST important goal of this summit attempt, our children. The goal of this endeavor is to provide full four year scholarships to deserving students, and to create and build a ranch devoted to our terminally ill children and their families, there is a lot more written about this on our FB page, drop by and read and even give us a like, I am asking for all of Taos to get behind this adventure and campaign.

This is only the beginning, but, there is so much more to come, I want to take a moment and again thank The Taos News, KTAOS Solar Radio and most recently, Taos Mesa Brewery for supporting me, great group of people, so, THANK YOU Chris, Kate and Gary……

That’s it for now, oh, by the way, look to the end of this post, that’s me !!, now you have a face to go with the name, please remember, get our word out, invite your friends and business associates and of course feel free to contact me with any ideas or suggestions to assist, come join the adventure !!!!



p.s., I would like to put in a plug for my good friend Rick, he has his first movie coming out on you tube May 1st, here is a teaser….http://youtu.be/vek1N0Jb988 , this looks like its going to be entertaining !!

The Taos News…….

Posted in Goals, Musings on April 13, 2013 by Thomas

Although this is a little late in getting out, but, I would like to thank Chris Baker and The Taos News for supporting our endeavor. Chris was one of the first people I visited last year when doing my research, he was professional and open and provided a lot of valuable information as to how The Taos News would support and sustain our campaign.

As of last week both Chris and I have agreed on a plan and will begin to implement starting April 17th, this is getting exciting!, now, with both The Taos News and KTAOS supporting our adventure, I believe I have the cornerstones to spread the mission and its goals to the Taos community.

In closing, I want to mention of an introduction Chris made for me, a person with numerous years in both charitable and fundraising experience, Elizabeth Crittenden Palacios of the Taos Community Foundation, I spent an hour with her and gained so much valuable information on a lot of things I had overlooked, she got the ship set straight, thank you Elizabeth, look forward to seeing you again soon.

So I am out of here for now, video coming up soon, stay posted, lots of things coming together and the adventure is just beginning, thank you for your time and remember, please spread the word of our endeavor.


Welcome KTAOS,The Solar Radio Station

Posted in Musings on March 27, 2013 by Thomas

Just wanted to welcome aboard KTAOS, the solar radio station here in Taos, as you read through the blog, enjoy listening to their station, this station is 100% solar powered, for those of you not from Taos , here is their story, http://ktaos.com/SolarRadio, I am extremely appreciative that they have allowed me to stream their station.

Located on the right and towards the bottom you will find the link, click on and enjoy.

If you are not from Taos, and live in the States or abroad, tune in, I don’t think you will be disappointed. If you are planning a visit to Taos, check their website, this place also has a live venue and great food, and I have never listened to live music and enjoyed a view like this station has, absolutely breathtaking. I also want to take a moment and personally thank Kate Black, General Manager of the station, she listened to my endeavor and has provided me with a medium to get the word out on this charity climb to help our children’s educational future.

And of course, let me thank the web guy who brought the station here, big shout out to you Jonah, thank you.


Thank you !!!!

Posted in Musings on March 24, 2013 by Thomas

Just wanted to give a shout out and a thank you to James , Reyes , Melody , Kristina , and Dianne, thanks for coming onboard, it will be an amazing journey!!, now, let’s continue to get the word out and we will be able to make a difference in children’s lives, again, from me to you, Thank You.


smiley face

Thank you Neal !

Posted in Uncategorized on March 21, 2013 by Thomas

Just a short note to say Thank you to Neal, one of our readers, he pointed out a flaw in the video, here is the direct link, enjoy…




Articles regarding college tuitions…..

Posted in Musings on March 13, 2013 by Thomas




As you can see, the figures are alarming, this is what we intend to change for parents of deserving students. And if there is the continuing trend, these figures will ONLY rise, in my next entry, I will address how this charity climb on Mt.Everest will assist , stay tuned…..


Sunday Afternoon

Posted in Musings on March 7, 2013 by Thomas

As I was sitting at the plaza one Sunday, I was viewing the snowfall and grey clouds that engulfed the Taos mountains, my thoughts drifted towards Everest. I imagined standing there at the summit and looking at all the wonderment of being on the highest point on the planet. My vision was of the history of Everest, not much of the present day climbers, but, of four visionary gentlemen, four who saw Everest as the shining point in mountain climbing. They envisioned a voyage through some of the roughest terrain, struggling with the politics, clashing with ego’s, raising funds for their expeditions, but, they persevered never losing sight of the goal.

Mallory,Irvine,Hillary and Norgay,names that seem to stick in my mind every day. I think about these men and what drove them to the mountain called,Everest,a place in the barren lands of Tibet and China. What was their motivation?,even though Everest was the thought behind the now famous and overused quote,”Because it’s there”,what inner drive would take hold of a person to pursue such an undertaking?,to forsake family and friends,to put careers on hold,to jeopardize the family name,to even put their own life in peril,the only common denominator I can come up with is,”Vision”.

Vision as described by Webster is a thought,concept,or object formed in the imagination,something seen in a dream or trance in other words, these men saw themselves rising to the occasion and climbing the highest peak, although Mallory and Irvine paid the ultimate price, their deaths paved the way for future expeditions. Hillary and Norgay achieved the summit, and their story is well-known, but, again, not without sacrifice. There is not a climber today that has not paid homage to these men, and their achievement, and all the research that I do, books I’ve read, take me back to their time, trying to visualize what they were thinking the moment they set foot on this mountain with the goal of reaching the top.

Which brings me to the point of this entry, VISION, my vision began a little over a year ago as I previously stated, a vision to allow our children an avenue to pursue their dreams of a college education. To allow them peace of mind knowing that their education is secure and will not have to worry about dropping out of school to concentrate on other life problems. Knowing that they can devote all of their spare time to the chosen field of study. We ave all read or heard of the child who studys hard, earns the grades, and at some point, whether it’s a life event or finances, leaves college and never returns. A sad story that happens again and again, I want to change that, and together I believe it can happen, the children are our future.

I am going to provide full four-year tuition and books for these children, to a chosen university, allowing them to follow their dreams and make an impact on our world. With your help and support, lets give a child a future, give them a chance, allow them to make our world better, join me in this adventure, thank you.

Upcoming entries will begin to outline this adventure, I have asked a few friends to contribute to this blog, so, stay tuned, and as always, feel free to let me know of your ideas or suggestions as we go down this path.

Should you want, listed below are the Wikipedia links for the gentlemen I spoke about earlier in this entry, enjoy your day my friend.

George Mallory  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Mallory

Andrew Irvine  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andrew_Irvine_(mountaineer)

Sir Edmund Hillary  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edmund_Hillary

Tenzing Norgay  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenzing_Norgay

“The expedition is full of hazard but le jeu vaut bien la chandelle[the game is well worth the candle]”

Letter from William Moorcroft, shortly before his death,1825



Greetings from Taos,N.M.

Posted in Musings on February 23, 2013 by Thomas

 If you are dropping by for the first time, let me personally welcome you to this blog. I look forward to sharing this adventure with you and hopefully as we continue down this path, we will become friends.

This endeavor began as a dream a little over a year ago– it was around this time that I came to the realization that with the way the world was moving,  those of us with life experience needed to rise to help make the change we wanted to see. The entire focus of my life shifted to giving back to the world which had helped me learn so much.  I began thinking that in order to effect change, I wanted to provide a foundational learning experience for the future generations who will help to transition us into a higher conciousness.

 All my life I have been enthralled with mountains and the majesty they command.  I cannot think of a greater accomplishment than to stand on Everest and view this magnificent planet and all of its glory.  I have been told by many that my dream will NOT become a reality, I find this odd, as I believe that all dreams come true if you apply yourself and have the determination to succeed.  I have known from the beginning that this will be physically, mentally and spiritually expansive, it will affect many lives, but, most of all, we will succeed.

The idea of summitting Everest for charity is not a new idea, this has been done numerous times, I am not going into uncharted areas, but, I am doing this with a twist.  I have decided that the team assembled will be of FIRST time climbers. All of us will be novices with the execption of a trainer who will be working with us from the onset. I will also be taking the selected student or students from whom we choose to receive the scholarships along for the summit. I will provide more details of that process later. I think that this idea will foster an atmosphere of unity and companionship that will last a life time.

I have come up with the concept of”a Taos Endeavor by Taos People”as a rally point for the community of Taos, this by no means is exclusive, but, a statement for the people of Taos to show civic pride. Taos as you may well know is a unique and special place.  Of all of the cities I have lived in, Taos is amazing.  I knew the day I arrived that I was in the right place for this endeavor.

Because I know that energetically speaking, what happens in Taos goes out to effect the larger world, I know that the world cause that we walk for will be one that is integral to reshaping the foundations of the planet.

I am starting from scratch, no big huge corporate backing, although soon that will be addressed, for now, this is a grass roots effort and I believe that with my determination and drive this town will get behind the summit.

So, for now, I will say thank you for dropping by, please visit the facebook page at Mt.Everest Charity Climb, give us a like, and of course, most importantly, consider a donation to ensure a childs college education in alignment with the changes that are taking place and the continued preservation of our wilderness areas. This site is still under construction so, please bear with me, there will be many additions as to the buttons, bells, and whistles, come join me and my crew for an adventure that will enable you to proudly say that you were a part of, take care for now, enjoy your day and assist us in getting the word out on behalf of our endeavor.

Thank you,


Founder/Charity Climber